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Defend your data with Dark Web Monitor

Personal information is traded and sold on the dark web every day. Now you can protect yourself from falling into a cybersecurity nightmare with Dark Web Monitor – a useful security tool that is now available on the NordVPN iOS, macOs, and Android apps.

Elle Friberg

Elle Friberg

Nov 16, 2020 · 3 Min. Lesezeit

Defend your data with Dark Web Monitor

Dark Web Monitor expands online protection beyond VPN capabilities to give you more control over your data. Sherlocky in its nature, it scouts the shady, mysterious underbelly of the internet for exposed credentials that may belong to you.

Awareness is the first step towards security

The dark web has a murky reputation. Well, not without reason. Lawless and anonymous, it has become a place for criminal activities to thrive. Personal information is a popular commodity on the dark web marketplaces and hacker forums, highly demanded by fraudsters and identity thieves.

How can your information end up on the dark web?

Imagine you sign up for an online service with your email address and set up a password. You’re a happy customer until the day when an email from the online service pops into your inbox, saying that it was breached. Uh oh. It means that hackers gained unauthorized access to the company's database containing customer details. It’s only a matter of time when the trove of accounts with their credentials are leaked to the dark web for profit.

If you knew that your credentials have been exposed, you could take action immediately to protect your account before identity thieves and cybercriminals do their damage. But how do you know that?

  • cons
    Problem: Is my data on the dark web?

Your data might be for sale somewhere on the dark web without you even knowing. However, the dark web and its illicit content are best avoided by all means. It’s impossible to protect yourself when you don’t know where the threat is coming from.

  • success
    Solution: Dark Web Monitor alerts

Awareness is the first step towards security. That’s where NordVPN’s Dark Web Monitor steps in. It does the work for you by scanning the dark web and alerting you about exposed credentials that may belong to you. This way, you can take action immediately to protect yourself.

How Dark Web Monitor works

Continuous monitoring

Open the NordVPN app, head to Settings, and turn Dark Web Monitor on by simply flipping a switch. The moment you do so, it starts scanning the dark web for credentials associated with your email address – the one you signed up to NordVPN with. Unlike one-time scans that you have to remember to start, Dark Web Monitor runs continuously as long as you have it enabled. No additional action required.

Dark Web Monitor by NordVPN - Exposed data detected
You never know when a breach might happen. Get Dark Web Monitor alerts on the go and protect your accounts immediately.

Get alerts on the go

Dark Web Monitor runs silently without disturbing you. But if we detect exposed credentials associated with your email address – ding! You get an alert. You’ll see the leak details, including the service breached. This way, you can take action immediately by changing your password for that service to keep your account secure.

Don’t panic, change your password instead

After you receive an alert about leaked credentials, the first thing you should do is change your password on the breached service. If you have a bad habit of reusing passwords, set new ones on your other accounts as well. There’s a tool that can help you – a password manager, such as NordPass. It generates secure passwords for your accounts and saves you from remembering them all.

Try Dark Web Monitor now

Dark Web Monitor is now available on the NordVPN apps for iOS, macOS, and Android. So grab your phone, open the NordVPN app, go to Settings, and turn the Dark Web Monitor on.

Don’t have the NordVPN app yet? Download it now.